Thursday, 3 July 2014

Kalau Tuhan mencipta kita, siapa pula cipta Tuhan?

Biasanya orang Atheist akan berkata
"Kalau Tuhan yang menciptakan manusia, siapa pula yang mencipta Tuhan?" 

Orang bodoh akan berkata "yang mencipta Tuhan A ialah Tuhan B"
Jawab Atheist pula "siapa pula yang cipta Tuhan B?"
Jawabnya pula "Tuhan C"

 Begitulah seterusnya D E F G H ....... Sampai tiada kesudahan.
Nonsense, kalam permainan yang tiada garisan penamat, soalan bodoh yang tidak berpenghujung, tasalsul gila waswasan syaitan. Percakapan bodoh yang bukan untuk mencari jawapan.

 Sepatutnya soalan yang paling tepat ialah "apa benda yang ada sebelum benda lain tiada?" Kerana kalau tiada benda sebelum benda lain tiada, itu mewajibkan tiada seluruh alam.
Dan benda yang ada sebelum benda lain tiada itu mesti sekali berbeza dengan benda yang akan ada (makhluk), benda itu mestilah tiada permulaan, kerana yang ada permulaan mestilah ada tumbesaran, dan sesuatu yang ada tumbesaran itu bersifat lemah.

 Logikkah kalau kita masuk dalam sebuah rumah, yang lengkap dengan peralatan, perabot, tersusun rapi, berbau wangi dan berwarna-warni, kemudian kita katakan rumah ini terjadi dengan sendirinya?

 Meh aku naqal kalam saintis zaman kini

"Within two years, Lemaître heard the news he had scarcely dared hope for. Hubble had observed that the light from galaxies was red shifted, and, according to Doppler effect, this had to mean the universe was expanding. Now it was only a matter of time. Einstein was interested in Hubble's work anyway and resolved to visit him at the Mount Wilson Observatory. Lemaître arranged to give a lecture at the California Institute of Technology at the same time, and managed to corner Einstein and Hubble together. He argued his "primeval atom" theory carefully, step by step, suggesting that the whole universe had been created "on a day which had NO YESTERDAY." Painstakingly he worked through all the mathematics. When he had finished he could not believe his ears. Einstein stood up and announced that what he had just heard was "the most beautiful and satisfying interpretation I have listened to" and went on to confess that creating the "cosmological constant" was "the biggest blunder" of his life."(Stephen Hawking's Universe: The Cosmos Explained, m/s 85-86) "And they say "There is nothing but our life in this world; we live and die and nothing destroys us but time, and they have no knowledge of that; they only conjecture"(Al-Jatsiyah:24)

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